5 ways to get unstuck when you're in a rut
Being in a rut is no fun but you can get out!
1/4/20254 min read

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Do you feel stuck in a rut?
Many people that don’t understand what it means to have a relationship with God struggle with the notion that Christians CAN and often DO get into ruts. A lot of people assume that because Christians make God a priority in their lives.we are supposed to be happy all the time, and when we do bump into hard times, all we have to do is pray and God takes away all the bad stuff in our lives. I hear some of my sisters in Christ laughing right now because you know that's not the case. If that were true, everyone would be a Christian.
In actuality, being in a rut is really tough because when you wake up each day you feel like you're living the same day over and over again. You often end up in a rut when you form bad habits you struggle to break or you are fearful to step out of your comfort zone and do something different.
The next time you’re in a rut and you’re dissatisfied with everything in your life, envision your life without the things you feel are not up to par. Would you be better off without that car you don't particularly like or that house you don't think is big enough or that man you wish was more attentive? Your life may indeed need a makeover, but there is always someone that would kill for what you have. Try focusing on what’s good about your situation and not what’s bad about it. Keep building on the good things and formulate a plan to change the things that you know you need to change.
If you’re in a rut in your life here’s 5 tips to help you get out of your rut:...
1. Use visualization
Stop focusing so hard on where you are. Use your imagination to see yourself where you want to be. If you can see yourself with it, that’s the first step to actually putting your hands on it.

2. Use the power of confession
Confess every day that you have the life you envision for yourself. It might seem silly to keep saying you have things you don’t have, but confession is biblical and it’s the way God created the heavens and the earth so we need to follow his example.

3. Put some muscle in it
If you’re going to visualize and say confessions to get out of your rut, you also have to be willing to put your money where your mouth is. Do one thing per month that moves you one step closer to getting out of your current situation such as sending out a resume if you want a new job or taking more of an interest in the things your husband is in to if your relationship is stagnate. When you are making strides to get out of your current predicament it becomes easier to tolerate while you’re still in it....

4. Step out of your comfort zone
Many times we get in a rut because we’re afraid to do the things we envision for our lives. We think we’re too young or we think we’re too old or we think we’re too shy or we think we’re not knowledgeable enough. You’ll always be able to find excuses if you look for them and they will keep you in your rut. Even if you have to get someone to give you a push, step out of what you’ve always done and do something different. If you can't find anyone to give you a push, pray for God to give you the strength to push yourself.
5. Don’t be denied
We all know women that have talked about always being the bridesmaid but never the bride. It’s time for you to be the bride. Don’t be content just watching somebody else get theirs. Be happy for them, but realize that real happiness comes when you are also getting yours. God wants nothing less for your life. Believe you can have what you want and receive it in your heart as if you’d been handed a package that God personally gave you so you can walk in it.

So if you are a Christian woman that’s in a rut and dissatisfied with her life, don’t be discouraged if you don't always have someone in your life that understands what to do when you’re feeling stuck and running on empty. Instead allow your test to become your testimony. I hope these tips will help you and until my next post. Stay encouraged.
Cheryl Wilson Harris
I help women transform their waiting season into a time of growth, purpose, and self-discovery as I teach them how to find purpose while they wait.
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