About Cheryl
Cheryl Wilson-Harris was born in Augusta, Georgia but grew up in multiple states as well as abroad including England and Italy due to her father’s military career in the Army and Airforce. In fact, she only lived in Augusta for a few months as an infant before her dad got new military orders and the family moved to another state. Her childhood days consisted of growing up with three sisters in a tight-knit family as she enjoyed her opportunities to explore other cultures and ideologies.
Becoming a Christian was one of the highlights of her life because before she developed a relationship with God, she really wondered why she was here and what her purpose in life was. She even grew up sleeping with a picture of an image of Jesus under her pillow before she really understood who God was and what having a relationship with God really meant. Today Cheryl is an author and PCCCA certified Christian relationship life coach. She is married to a God-fearing man and has a stepdaughter and a step-granddaughter.
She is a public speaker and a respected business professional. She graduated in January 2007 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Resource Management. She is a member of Madison’s Who’s Who Among Executives And Professionals and Metropolitan Who’s Who for Outstanding Leadership in the business community. Because of her background in ministry, she often counsels and coaches women with relationship issues. Cheryl Harris is an intuitive woman with a special gift of helping others stop hiding behind their weaknesses and start to deal with them head-on.

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Cheryl Wilson Harris
I help women transform their waiting season into a time of growth, purpose, and self-discovery as I teach them how to find purpose while they wait.
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